Training of personnel by universities for the implementation of new interregional tourist programs in Russia


The main trend of new educational programs in the field of «tourism» is manifested in the search for a balanced combination of theoretical and practical aspects of training. Considerable attention is paid to the principle of public-private partnership in the development of tourism, as well as the design of regional business programs in tourism. Topical tasks are building students’ active position, their involvement in research as an essential component of educational process, integration of various scientific fields and disciplines, as well as the development of personal qualities, their competence in the field of collective labor. Modern educational standards, in the authors’ opinion, provide the future employee of the tourism industry with all the necessary competencies. It is particularly necessary to highlight project activity in training graduates. An employee of the tourism sector should be able to implement various projects in tourism industry, relevant to the modern stage of tourism development, taking into account both global trends in tourism and resource potential of a particular region. Experience shows high efficiency of the project method in the course of preparation and writing of final works by students. When using this method, it is necessary to focus on the situation characteristic of the modern stage of tourism development in the country and the region. Students are offered tasks on the design of programs on branded Russian tourist routes: «Golden ring of Russia», «Great Volga way», «Silver necklace», «Caucasus — the birthplace of hospitality», «Russian estates», «Amber region», «Golden ring of Altai», «Semi-Precious ring of the Urals», «Eastern ring of Russia», «Red route», «Great silk road», «Great tea way», «Trans-Siberian Express».