Modern university educational environment: search for models of development


The article deals with the development of modern educational environment related to the search for the parameters of development models. The interrelation and mutual influence of information and communication technologies and value orientations of the person is emphasized. In the modern conditions of the social and communicative environment, personal goals of the individual are important, which form an orientation towards the education of the person himself in a certain profession and social environment. Internet technology and network communication are changing not only the algorithm of the educational environment, the semantic fullness of the knowledge and its usage, but also stimulate the search of education model parameters. Modern conditions demand the development of the sphere of physical culture and sports education at the University. The most promising way of modernizing the educational process in the physical education of the student's personality is associated with the development of motivational and value perception of students in physical and sports culture. The article based on the data of sociological surveys substantiates the need for active participation of students in University sports activities. Knowledge of the theory and methods of physical culture, active participation in sports events contribute to the development of motor skills and form a stable need for the development of physical education and sports values.