Using Project-Based Learning in Teaching Translation


The general concept of Project-Based Learning and its practical application in the teaching process are described in the article. The foreign and Russian experience of using this method is analyzed, the advantages and limitations in the Project-Based Learning in the university are discussed. Further the authors introduce the concept of translation project, and the features of using the project methodology in teaching translation for students of the Linguistics department. The authors assess the possibility of applying the project methodology within the framework of separate disciplines (The Course of Translation and Interpretation). Special attention is paid to the implementation of CAT-tools in the process of training and simulation of real situations of translation activity on the example of the educational process at the Reshetnev Siberian State University. A translation project is viewed as a multi-level system that differs from the usual understanding of the Project-Based Learning in the teaching process. The key components of this system and its stages are described, the results of using the Project-Based Learning in the training of future translators are described. The role of students’ self-work in the preparation of translation projects and the influence of Project-Based Learning on the development of professionally significant qualities of future translators is shown. Positive results of the Project-Based Learning in teaching translation for students and teachers are presented.