Training of English speech understanding by aviation students


The purpose of the study is to identify language difficulties and substantiate the use of methods and techniques aimed at eliminating them in the process of working with professionally oriented audio recordings of monologic statements and dialogues in teaching students of aviation university. The research focuses on professionally oriented audio materials and the main methods and techniques for understanding professionally oriented text. The novelty and practical significance of the conducted research results lies in the fact that a professionally oriented text on aviation topics has not yet been considered as a basis for further study of the phraseology of radio exchange and has not been taken into account as a necessary link for building horizontal and vertical interdisciplinary links, contributing to the intensification of the process of studying radiotelephone communication. The practical significance of this study lies in the possibility of increasing the speed of mastering the educational material of one discipline, using the knowledge obtained from a related discipline by means of gradually increasing the complexity of the provided audio material, as a result of which the level of stress in students decreases while listening to dialogues. This increases confidence in translating and composing dialogues and forming monologic statements on specific situations, and, consequently, the productivity of mastering new linguistic material also increases.