Introduction of augmented reality into foreign language training of university students to enhance their lexical skills


This article is a pilot study devoted to methodological issues of introducing immersive augmented reality technology into foreign language training for students at a multidisciplinary university. The relevance of the study is argued by its compliance with the strategic directions of modernization of domestic education in the digital educational environment. The author lists the key problems, advantages and limitations of this technology, which determined the lack of an adequate number of scientific works devoted to methodological and didactic issues of introducing augmented reality tools into the educational process. Based on the analysis of the literature, it is concluded that augmented reality can be effective in developing students’ lexical skills. The article provides a corresponding lesson plan, consisting of three stages, and proposes organizational forms and assignment options, in accordance with the functionality of the augmented reality application chosen. The effectiveness of the lesson plan and the exercises presented is confirmed by the results of the pedagogical experiment conducted in three institutes of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.