Application and Role of Creative Exercises in Teaching English Grammar in High School


This article is devoted to the application and role of creative exercises in teaching English grammar in high school. The article deals with the problems associated with the teaching of grammar, as well as the difficulties encountered by the teacher and students in the process of teaching and learning this language aspect. Grammar has always been and still is the subject of active debate. The article proves the great significance of grammar as the most important aspect of teaching a foreign language, without the basics of which communication is impossible. The article touches upon the issues concerning different approaches and different attitude towards grammar, offers some conclusions from the experience of teaching this aspect in high school. The article points to the need for a creative approach to grammar classes in order to increase students' motivation to study this language aspect. It is emphasized that the creative component of the lesson will make the learning process not only informative, but also entertaining and most importantly productive. The article analyzes some University textbooks on grammar, provides an example of the textbook where you can find creative grammar exercises. There are examples of interesting, original exercises on the English verb tenses, designed to change the attitude of students to the seemingly boring aspect of the language and one of the most difficult grammatical topics to study. At the end of the article it is concluded that the use of creative grammar exercises will help to increase students' interest in learning, as well as they will lead to more effective and positive interaction of the teacher and students.