Effective strategies for foreign language teaching through group work


The chief goal of the article is to investigate groupwork technology as a most proficient form of interaction between a teacher and students. Group technology is presented as an activity for learning and acquiring skills, which is to provide students with appropriate conditions for developing their cognitive independence, communicative skills, and intellectual capacity through interaction while fulfilling a group task. The article describes group work using training material for the topic “Berliner Mauer” and contains linguistic and cultural materials designed by native speakers specially for methodological purposes. That is history of the construction of the Berlin Wall, as well as related films, music and literature. The methodology of the research is caused by its target and is based on the groupwork activity as one of the most efficient ways to organize acquisition of foreign languages in a large group. It is emphasized by the structure of the research which starts by investigating the new learning approach, describing its benefits and different types and ends in examples that illustrate how to use this method within the frames of the course. Studying the literature on the subject, analyzing, interpreting and comparing the information form the principle logical methods of the research along with planning and structuring the thought experiment.