Practical results of applying modern methods of teaching English to Chinese students


The article is devoted to the problem of teaching English to Chinese students. When working with this category of students, certain problems arise, both related to the peculiarities of teaching English in China and of a psychological nature. Although the urgency of this problem is beyond doubt, the literature has not paid sufficient attention to its solution. Due to the fact that the classical approach based on a passive form of learning often does not give the desired results, it seems logical to use innovative teaching methods. These include interactive methods and, in particular, case and project methods. The aim of this work is to attempt to analyze the results of the use of interactive methods for teaching Chinese students studying the Russian Federation. At the first stage, the classes included the use of the case study method, maximally adapted for this group of students, which contributed not only to increasing the level of knowledge of the language, but also to the development of critical thinking. The second stage was the main one and represented the work on the project. The article examines specific tasks completed by the students, as well as ways to solve the problems that arose. The most useful from a practical point of view was the idea of choosing a "mentor" from among the strong students in each subgroup, which made it possible to create a psychologically more comfortable environment for the students. It also made it possible to use the Chinese language in case of insoluble difficulties. In general, the experience of using the above interactive methods can be considered successful, since all students, firstly, were involved in the work, secondly, they coped with the task and, thirdly, most of the students showed interest in the approach used and expressed satisfaction with the psychological atmosphere in the classroom.