Integrative approach in teaching a foreign language for specific purposes using computer technologies


The article considers an integrative approach to teaching a foreign language (FL) as a manifestation of interdisciplinary links. Computer technologies are a means of more effective assimilation of the material by students and allow studying a foreign language in accessible ways and means, using podcasts, interactive exercises and assignments, as well as electronic textbooks.  It is shown that the study of a foreign language for special purposes allows students to master the discipline from a professional point of view. They use FL for further professional growth, and not just for learning grammatical structures and vocabulary. Computer technologies help to study and improve those tasks that students have to master only through digital resources. The main aims of digital resources are the developing of critical thinking and communicativeness of professional, information processing and choice program of learning. The advantages of digital resources are training of different types of speech activity (speaking, reading, writing, listening), improving cognitive activity, motivation and knowledge. It facilitates learning activities due to the choice and using of computer technologies which comfortable for learning. As an example of the integrative approach implementation, the EnglishCentral online platform was chosen for learning spoken English and independent work of students. Studying the English for law course is also considered.