Methodological model of teaching collocational competence based on corpora


In accordance with the purpose of teaching the necessary methods, means and forms of teaching are selected. However, their choice should be consistent and systematized in order not to disrupt the entire teaching process. In this regard, we develop a methodological model of teaching collocational competence based on corpora. The methodological model is a system of interrelated components-blocks: a) prerequisites; b) target block; c) theoretical block; d) organizational and activity block; e) evaluation and performance block. The methodological basis of the model is supported by systemic, competency-based, contextual, corpus-based, communicative-cognitive and personal – activity approaches. These approaches are implemented taking into account a number of general didactic principles (those of learning process informatization, consciousness and activity-based ones, accessibility and feasibility principles, the principles of visibility, individualization and differentiation of learning) and methodological ones (those of communicative orientation, spoken language centrality, approximation of educational activity, situational-thematic organization of educational material). The paper describes all the elements of the methodological model in detail.