Self-study activities as means of forming information competence of distancelearning students majoring in humanities


The article deals with the actual issue of forming information competence (IC) for students of the correspondence Department in the framework of their independent work. It is theoretically proved that the acquisition of knowledge during training at a higher educational institution can be transformed into a process of independent ability to work with an array of information, effectively evaluate the information found, and be able to create your own information. The methodological expediency of a certain organization of students’ self-study activities in which information competence needed in the future professional activity is being successfully formed is proved. The article presents the conditions for the formation of IC, exercises from the author's course, created on the basis of information and communication technologies (ICT) and electronic educational resources. This methodological organization is focused on taking into account the psychological and pedagogical conditions of training and forming the information competence composition, which includes: the ability to navigate professional websites, the ability to highlight some relevant information, the ability to concentrate when working with electronic media, the skill of critical understanding of information, the skills of orientation in large amounts of information. It is concluded that the exercises presented are universal and can be used for organizing educational work in different disciplines of the humanitarian profile.