Pattern of Partnership: the Joint Department of the Translation Company at the Northern (Arctic) Federal University


The Department of Translation Technology and Practice at AKM-WEST opened at Northern (Arctic) Federal University in Russia in 2018. It is the first joint department in translation and interpreting in Russia. This joint department is the result of the cooperation between a successful Moscow Translation Company and a federal university in Arkhangelsk (North of Russia). Professionals take part not only in teaching specialized subjects but also in developing the content of educational programs, including the new one based on NArFU Independently Established Standards of Higher Education that corresponds to the Russian Professional Standard in Translation draft worked out with the direct participation of the AKM-WEST representatives. The academic plan includes subjects aimed at the professional adaptation of students to the requirements of modern translation industry and their ability to use translation software tools. The students take part in translation project activities that are further developed in qualification works and Master's theses as well as in students’ scientific papers on the theme «Innovative Technologies in Translation». The two-year experience permits to draw a conclusion on the successful cooperation of professionals and university specialists within a joint department of a new type for the benefit of students who get education adapted to both academic standards and needs of modern translation industry.