Reading and quote analysis for the development of foreign language argumentation


The article discusses the problem of analytical skills and argumentation development in foreign language. The aim of the study is to consider the possibilities of reading and quotation analysis for the argumentation, synthesis, comparison and generalization skills development. Modern students are surrounded by various internet resources, but they often ignore the availability of this opportunity even in the event of a lack of data on a particular problem. They lack self-study skills and, when faced with the need to analyze a particular idea, students cannot apply the skills of synthesis and generalization, do not remember and do not appeal to their previous experience. Reading and analyzing a literary text is considered as a preliminary stage of quote analysis and argumentation. It allows students to immerse themselves in independent educational and cognitive work, improve their search skills, synthesizing, comparing and argumentation processes. Reading is a means of teaching other types of speech activities, in particular speaking, therefore it is useful to practice these types of activities in integration.