Methodological strategy of using professionally oriented texts in teaching Russian as a foreign language


The purpose of the study is to identify and justify the use of the main methods and techniques of analyzing professionally oriented text in teaching Russian as a Foreign Language (RFL) to foreign language students. The study is aimed at a professionally oriented text and the main methods and techniques for studying a professionally oriented text on fire and rescue topics in the RFL course. The novelty and practical significance of the research results obtained lies in the fact that the professionally oriented text on fire and rescue topics has not yet been the subject of special study as an educational text in RFL classes with foreign students studying in the field of education «Protection from emergency situations». The practical significance of this research, as well as the further study of the professionally oriented texts corpus, lies in the possibility of using the results obtained when developing original text library materials at the hypertext level and creating an educational and methodological complex for RFL within the framework of an engineering and technical profile in the field of education «Protection from emergency situations» for foreign students.