Comparative analysis of the experimental part of the master's graduate qualification works of pedagogical students


The article examines the stages of preparation and writing of the final qualifying work (FQP), starting from the theoretical basis in the course of study, emphasizes the supervisor’s role at all stages of students' work on FQP. The basic requirements for conducting a pedagogical experiment are described. The points of view of various researchers on a pedagogical experiment, its validity and reliability is given, and the degree of compliance of the final theses with these requirements is analyzed. The problems that students face when writing and presenting their works are revealed, such as: choice of a research topic; formulation of the object, subject and hypothesis of the research; conducting and interpreting the results of a pedagogical experiment; selection of the main research results for presentation at the FQP defence. The research showed that most of the students do not cope with the writing of the theoretical part of the research (they do not pass the anti-plagiarism test the first time); a pedagogical experiment (experimental teaching) is carried out, for the most part, in small groups and / or during 1-2 lessons and on the basis of its result it is impossible to draw unambiguous conclusions about the confirmation of the research hypothesis; without the help of a supervisor, students cannot highlight the main results of their research work. The scale of assessment of the works with a negative result of experimental teaching requires adjustment.