Teaching reading russian-language special texts in military educational institutions of Vietnam (with combat documents as example


Reading Russian-language special texts is the main goal of teaching Russian as a foreign language in military schools in Vietnam. Russian texts of combat documents are professionally oriented Russian-language special texts. The texts of combat documents of the ground forces are a necessary unit of training in building communicative competence among cadets, primarily in the professional field. Russian language classes are mainly aimed at developing, first of all, the ability of learners to understand and appreciate specialized texts in their field of expertise. Teaching reading requires targeted teachers’ efforts necessary to build an appropriate system of exercises. Based on the systematization, generalization and analysis of the Russian combat document texts of the ground forces, this article proposes a method of teaching these aspects, taking into account the language characteristics in military educational institutions of Vietnam. It can be a premise for further research in the field of languages and methods of teaching Russian-language reading comprehension in a professional-oriented manner in military schools in Vietnam.