Discussion methods in organizing group work of pedagogical university students


The article is devoted to the use of discussion methods in organizing group work of students. The importance and necessity of using interactive forms of work with pedagogical university students in the classroom in the context of their educational motivation development is emphasized. Such discussion methods of organizing group work with students as conversation practice, situation analysis, and brainstorming are considered. Their psychological and didactic significance is revealed. Recommendations for conducting a conversation in the classroom are presented, the successful discussion conditions in the format of situation analysis are evaluated. Organizational and methodological recommendations for conducting brainstorming at a practical lesson of the discipline "Methods of active socio-psychological training" for students studying in the direction of "Psychological and pedagogical education" are given. General conclusions are formulated regarding the educational motivation and competencies of students formed in the process of using discussion methods of organizing group work, the peculiarities of the teacher’s position, the prospects of research.