Experience of organizing and carrying out the professionallyoriented practice of foreign students in a technical university


Organization and carrying out professional internship for foreign students within the framework of the project “Consulting Services: Adaptation of Foreign Applicants” is a prerequisite for obtaining basic skills in building professional competencies in the bachelor's curriculum “Regional Studies”. The Higher School of International Relations, at St. Petersburg Peter the Great Polytechnic University, poses the following tasks in the framework of project activities: solving the problem of determining the place of practice for international students; providing an opportunity to gain experience in finding information that will be processed, comprehended and presented by the participants of the project team; considering the projecttargeted approach, developing a student as a person capable of self-determination, self-education, selfregulation, self-actualization, competitiveness in the labor market; providing students with positive incentives for further training and the future profession, recognizing its relevance and importance. To achieve the objectives, an experiment was conducted to combine into a single process and simultaneously solve several specialized tasks in the framework of professional practice for foreign students, namely: compliance of the goals and objectives of the practice with the professional tasks of the future profession of regional specialist; building professional competencies among foreign students; preparation and publication of a brochure for foreign applicants about the Humanitarian Institute, St. Petersburg Peter the Great Polytechnic University as a place for their future training, contributing to the adaptation of foreign students.