Year: 2012 Volume: 1 Issue: 1 (15)
Pages: 163
15 7057

Introduction to art of the target language country as a means of foreign-language sociocultural competence formation in linguistics students

  • 0
  • 361
  • Pages: 7-12

Social and cultural aspects of a linguist’s communication conflict competence

  • 0
  • 285
  • Pages: 12-20

Occupational activities on foreign language teaching as a means of a teacher’s linguistic competence advancement

  • 0
  • 283
  • Pages: 20-27

Professional lexical competence formation in students from technical departments based on online dictionaries

  • 0
  • 326
  • Pages: 28-34

Information competence of a translator

  • 0
  • 304
  • Pages: 34-42

Latin as a foundation of a professional competence formation in linguists (on the example of modular education)

  • 0
  • 343
  • Pages: 42-49

High school students’ informational-communicational competences

  • 0
  • 300
  • Pages: 49-57

Methodological foundations of innovative technologies in the "foreign language" subject

  • 0
  • 278
  • Pages: 57-64

Motivation as the basic principle of activation of language learning process in university

  • 0
  • 284
  • Pages: 64-70

The process of translation from the standpoint of linguistic and cultural peculiarities

  • 0
  • 290
  • Pages: 70-75

The peculiarities of the transfer phenomenon in teaching French as a second foreign language

  • 2
  • 381
  • Pages: 75-79

Problem of the blended learning concept in higher education

  • 5
  • 351
  • Pages: 79-83

Scientific style as a basis for modern language teaching methods developed for teaching nonlinguistics students

  • 1
  • 290
  • Pages: 84-90

Using misleading words in the process of learning foreign vocabulary

  • 0
  • 272
  • Pages: 90-101

The development of speaking and writing skills in students of the faculty of economics on the basis of authentic English texts

  • 0
  • 292
  • Pages: 101-103

Prospects for distance learning in modern general education institutions

  • 1
  • 297
  • Pages: 104-112

The quality assessment problems in foreign language teaching after Russia's accession to the WTO

  • 0
  • 338
  • Pages: 112-118

The evolution of the concept "Bilingual education model"

  • 0
  • 279
  • Pages: 119-124

Academic English education as a method of forming students’ motivation to participate in academic mobility program

  • 1
  • 291
  • Pages: 125-132

Using internet resources and learning management system MOODLE in order to enhance students’ motivation (on the English language material)

  • 0
  • 287
  • Pages: 132-135

On problems of teaching listening skills at English classes at technical university and possible solutions

  • 1
  • 289
  • Pages: 135-139

Actualisation of binary methods of educational work in the process of teaching Conflictology

  • 1
  • 358
  • Pages: 139-146

Federal state educational standards and CEFR as the guidelines in teaching foreign languages at primary school

  • 0
  • 278
  • Pages: 147-153