Latest issues
- 2024, Volume 13 Issue 4
- 2024, Volume 13 Issue 3
- 2024, Volume 13 Issue 2 Full text
- 2024, Volume 13 Issue 1 Full text
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 4
- 0
- 1
- Pages: 43-55
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 4
- 0
- 3
- Pages: 23-42
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 3
- 6
- 99
- Pages: 38-48
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 3
- 9
- 102
- Pages: 22-37
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 3
- 12
- 103
- Pages: 8-21
Pedagogial conditions for research competence development among students of technical master’s programs
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 2
- 15
- 240
- Pages: 23-37
Interdisciplinary approach in teaching english for professional purposes
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 2
- 11
- 224
- Pages: 8-22
The role of the new format teacher in preparing human resource potential of the state
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 1
- 15
- 243
- Pages: 25-42
Foreign language as a tool for engineering students’ cognitive development
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 13
- Issue: 1
- 18
- 247
- Pages: 8-24
Adapted model for competencies of specialist’s professional responsibility: practical implementation in the educational process
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 4
- 3
- 283
- Pages: 31-44
Lexical component development of professional scientific medical students’ communication on the basis of foreign linguistic corpora
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 4
- 12
- 330
- Pages: 17-30
Methods and techniques to manage cognitive load in teaching and learning
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 4
- 28
- 355
- Pages: 8-16
Teaching Special Translation and Professionally-oriented Foreign Language: Development of Syllaby at Polytechnic University
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 3
- 12
- 442
- Pages: 22-35
Metodology of professional pedagogy: technology of students’ thinking development
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 3
- 13
- 698
- Pages: 8-21
Training for Video Games Localization Experts: an Outlook
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 2
- 15
- 549
- Pages: 51-65
Formation of Cognitive and Informational Competences in Students in the Course of "Lexicology" discipline
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 2
- 17
- 423
- Pages: 37-50
Methodological model of teaching collocational competence based on corpora
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 2
- 8
- 417
- Pages: 24-36
Evolution of Master’s Programme in Higher Education System: numerical indicators
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 2
- 13
- 432
- Pages: 8-23
Interactive lecture “plot in plot” with the use of story designer
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 1
- 17
- 511
- Pages: 20-32
Ecolinguistic methods of learning at university: students' opinion
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 12
- Issue: 1
- 13
- 483
- Pages: 8-19
Features of using the distant learning format for advanced training of physicians in hematology
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 4
- 19
- 522
- Pages: 33-46
Foreign language training complex as a tool for developing professional communication culture of future doctors
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 4
- 12
- 468
- Pages: 21-32
Pedagogical conditions for teaching undergraduates in a military university to practice foreign language activities
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 4
- 15
- 456
- Pages: 8-20
System of modifiable polymodal exercises for foreign language education at a non-linguistic university
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 3
- 21
- 512
- Pages: 65-79
The use of pedagogical cues for the development of students’ soft skills
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 3
- 17
- 574
- Pages: 46-64
Developing reflective thinking of students in the process of interactive learning a foreign language
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 3
- 21
- 512
- Pages: 23-45
Motivation for learning foreign languages in modern Russia in comparison with other countries
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 4(18)
- 4
- 531
- Pages: 131-138
Analysis of articles devoted to the problems of social networks and the review of their applicability to pedagogy
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 4(18)
- 0
- 458
- Pages: 116-126
Second language: an objective analisys of students’ activities within the “second language acquisition” theory (sla)
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 4(18)
- 0
- 479
- Pages: 104-109
Formation of general cultural competence in the teaching of literary disciplines
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 4(18)
- 0
- 455
- Pages: 98-104
The importance of humanitarian subjects for successful engineering graduates’ employment
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 4(18)
- 1
- 489
- Pages: 83-91
Coping strategies of students in the examination situation
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 4(18)
- 13
- 627
- Pages: 75-83
Factors of student’s personal potential fulfillment during higher learning
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 4(18)
- 6
- 516
- Pages: 67-75
The use of collaborative learning technologies at practical classes in university
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 4(18)
- 7
- 603
- Pages: 61-67
Formation of Student’s Cognitive Independence: Theoretical Aspects
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 4(18)
- 1
- 593
- Pages: 53-60
Advanced linguistic educational practices as innovative objects of scientific research
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 4(18)
- 1
- 461
- Pages: 36-44
Contribution of education to the solution of economic and social problems of African countries
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 1
- 579
- Pages: 193-208
Humanitarian educational environment in modern technical university
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 3
- 493
- Pages: 183-192
Role and functions of scientific research methodology in the training of masters of Economy
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 1
- 531
- Pages: 175-182
Problem solving as the main method of foreign language teaching activation for students of non-linguistic majors
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 3
- 572
- Pages: 169-174
Methodological and pedagogical conditions of building professional competencies in students of modern university
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 1
- 452
- Pages: 163-168
Semantics of health in the algorithms of student’s psychophysical development
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 2
- 551
- Pages: 155-162
The features of teaching special disciplines to students-publishers
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 0
- 490
- Pages: 143-154
Studying literature in a changing world: presentation of textbooks at orientation lectures (with an additional focus on a non-native audience)
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 0
- 429
- Pages: 133-142
Teaching writing discourse on the third level of higher education in Russia
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 3
- 467
- Pages: 124-132
Basic documents of aviation industry as a means of building professional foreign language competence in aviation workers
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 1
- 464
- Pages: 115-123
The invariance of the components of social and business competence in training programs
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 0
- 474
- Pages: 106-114
Module competence technology of learning a foreign language at technical university
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 2
- 493
- Pages: 96-105
On increasing the relevance and practical value of economic research in graduate school
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 0
- 460
- Pages: 88-95
On the problem of understanding scientific article content in training oral scientific speech culture in technical university students
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 1
- 509
- Pages: 83-87
Technique for the assessment of current mental state in neuroeducation
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 0
- 440
- Pages: 73-82
Students’ and teachers’ opinion concerning educational process in polytechnic university
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 2
- 518
- Pages: 63-72
Using professionally-oriented tasks at foreign languages classes aimed at forming leadership skills of students majoring in management
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 2
- 492
- Pages: 53-62
The impact of independent work on the development of professional competence of future specialists
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 0
- 524
- Pages: 46-52
Modern characteristics of the local multidisciplinary educational space of higher school (with "Foreign language" discipline as an example)
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 0
- 460
- Pages: 40-45
Knowledge economy as the determining factor of society development trends
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 0
- 430
- Pages: 34-39
Specifics of morale-boosting and motivation-increase activity in modern institution of higher education
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 3
- 464
- Pages: 21-33
Unification of methodical instructions for laboratory work at technical universities
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 3(17)
- 1
- 471
- Pages: 182-190
Issues of engineering higher school undergraduates training for international scientific and educational activities
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 3(17)
- 0
- 471
- Pages: 136-142
Participation of a foreign language teacher in the training of engineering students for an international conference
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 3(17)
- 0
- 443
- Pages: 147-153
International educational language projects to develop learners’ sociocultural and communication abilities
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 3(17)
- 0
- 432
- Pages: 105-117
Formation of communication mobility as a factor for higher competitiveness of bachelors in the international economy
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 3(17)
- 0
- 460
- Pages: 95-105
Emotion regulation as a prerequisite of resilient behavior
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 3(17)
- 2
- 549
- Pages: 72-81
Teaching general subjects and building general cultural competences in modern higher education
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 3(17)
- 0
- 457
- Pages: 68-71
Сonvergent strategy of foreign language teacher training at pedagogical universities
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 3(17)
- 0
- 478
- Pages: 62-67
Personality-orientation as a methodological approach to training publishers
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 3(17)
- 3
- 464
- Pages: 57-61
Self-actualization indicators of higher school students with various professional orientations
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 3(17)
- 0
- 473
- Pages: 45-56
Translation aspects of research and teaching staff publication activity in modern university
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 3(17)
- 1
- 473
- Pages: 34-44
Cognitive motivation of polytechnic students in learning English
- Year: 2013
- Volume: 2
- Issue: 16
- 1
- 526
- Pages: 76-80
Motivation and motives of studying English language as factors of teaching strategy (major 100400 Tourism)
- Year: 2013
- Volume: 2
- Issue: 16
- 0
- 465
- Pages: 67-76
Integrative module as the format of interdisciplinary synthsis actualization in non-linguistic universities
- Year: 2013
- Volume: 2
- Issue: 16
- 0
- 445
- Pages: 48-55
Modern approach to training foreign languages in terms of international mobility
- Year: 2013
- Volume: 2
- Issue: 16
- 0
- 607
- Pages: 44-48
Comparative analysis of students' placement test results and their final school grades
- Year: 2013
- Volume: 2
- Issue: 16
- 0
- 484
- Pages: 38-43
Project activity as a means of reaching polycompetenсy in masters of technology training
- Year: 2013
- Volume: 2
- Issue: 16
- 3
- 528
- Pages: 31-38
Formation of persuasive competence when teaching business foreign language in non-linguistic MA courses
- Year: 2013
- Volume: 2
- Issue: 16
- 1
- 515
- Pages: 25-31
Teaching translation techniques based on fantasy literature
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 6
- Issue: 20
- 2
- 457
- Pages: 53-60
Current trends in teaching foreign languages on the basis of CLIL
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 6
- Issue: 20
- 5
- 505
- Pages: 46-52
Principles of language for special purposes (LSP) teaching within the framework of cognitive and communicative approach
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 6
- Issue: 20
- 4
- 507
- Pages: 37-45
Some issues of using the project method in teaching crosscultural communication
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 6
- Issue: 20
- 2
- 488
- Pages: 29-36
Alternatives to Massive Open Online Courses from the Perspective of Their Integration into University Programs
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 6
- Issue: 20
- 1
- 449
- Pages: 19-28
Integrated linguistic and professional training in view of the new knowledge paradigm
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 6
- Issue: 20
- 3
- 480
- Pages: 10-18
Building professional student competences by means of dramatization methodology in teaching social disciplines
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 6
- Issue: 21
- 0
- 511
- Pages: 57-65
Building motivation among students learning foreign language
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 6
- Issue: 21
- 2
- 419
- Pages: 49-56
Contemporary state of spiritual and moral values in higher educational institutions of Russia
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 6
- Issue: 21
- 2
- 532
- Pages: 35-48
Quality of English language knowledge as a condition of sea specialist’s competitiveness
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 6
- Issue: 21
- 0
- 553
- Pages: 26-34
Traditions and innovations in development of modern higher education : integration or opposition?
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 6
- Issue: 21
- 2
- 487
- Pages: 18-25
Smart-education as a tool of improving the quality of vocational training
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 6
- Issue: 21
- 2
- 535
- Pages: 8-17
Information security as requisition of educational organization activity
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 6
- Issue: 22
- 0
- 486
- Pages: 43-50
Methods of holding a seminar on discipline «Culturology» «Man in sociocultural contexts» for students of the humanitarian profile
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 6
- Issue: 22
- 1
- 454
- Pages: 31-42
The language of modern political communication: new model of Russian ideology
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 6
- Issue: 22
- 2
- 472
- Pages: 24-30
The potential of foreign language university education for the development of universal competences
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 6
- Issue: 22
- 0
- 501
- Pages: 16-23
Formation of the communicative competence of the foreign students in the session in the «Linguistic cafe»
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 7
- Issue: 26
- 0
- 483
- Pages: 25-34
International cooperation in the promotion of the Russian language and Russian culture abroad
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 7
- Issue: 26
- 2
- 518
- Pages: 8-16
Model of fundamental science development: some consequences for Russian universities
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 7
- Issue: 27
- 1
- 475
- Pages: 8-21
Mastering audiovisual translation teaching techniques
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 8
- Issue: 29
- 7
- 535
- Pages: 33-46
Creating the Translator’s Linguistic Identity through Written Translation Training
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 8
- Issue: 29
- 1
- 479
- Pages: 24-32
Interdisciplinary approach to teaching industry-specific translation
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 8
- Issue: 29
- 0
- 643
- Pages: 12-23
Teaching foreign languages in a multi-level classroom
- Year: 2019
- Volume: 8
- Issue: 30
- 2
- 487
- Pages: 8-19
Criteria and parameters for measuring the level of critical thinking ability formation of future foreign language teachers
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 2
- 13
- 625
- Pages: 41-54
On the modern problems of teaching mathematical disciplines in an engineering university
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 2
- 15
- 549
- Pages: 27-40
Specifics of mark and rating system of evaluation in technical university
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 1
- Issue: 5(19-1)
- 2
- 545
- Pages: 12-20
Education reform in Russia as a reflection of the integrative processes
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 4(18)
- 1
- 528
- Pages: 15-21
Positions and Prospects of the 5- 100-2020 PROJECT Members in International University Rankings
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 3(17)
- 1
- 483
- Pages: 15-27
Subject modeling in teaching humanitarian disciplines and fostering students' thinking culture
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 9
- Issue: 32
- 3
- 575
- Pages: 23-32
Experience in building a model of scientific research education of graduate students
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 9
- Issue: 32
- 4
- 648
- Pages: 2-22
Unsolved challenges to the general theory of translation
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 9
- Issue: 33
- 1
- 717
- Pages: 27-36
Scenario approach in training future interpreters: mock-conferences
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 9
- Issue: 33
- 4
- 1396
- Pages: 12-26
Individual approach in teaching foreign languages to students in non-linguistic universities
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 9
- Issue: 34
- 8
- 712
- Pages: 33-40
Analysis of transition to a totally remote classroom: psychological and methodological aspects
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 9
- Issue: 34
- 2
- 667
- Pages: 24-32
Peer Review in the Foreign Speaking Skills Formation among the students of a multidisciplinary university
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 9
- Issue: 35
- 2
- 550
- Pages: 30-38
Edutainment and gamification in teaching a foreign language: similarities and differences
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 9
- Issue: 35
- 2
- 610
- Pages: 8-17
The University's innovation culture and the quality of lecturer's teaching
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 36
- 3
- 523
- Pages: 19-32
Higher education: will epidemic of action become the way of future?
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 36
- 3
- 606
- Pages: 8-18
Scientific and practical research on pre-master, pre-post-graduate and pre-resident training of foreigners in Russian universities
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 37
- 5
- 656
- Pages: 30-56
Organizational and methodological aspects of teaching academic writing in a linguistic university on an interdisciplinary basis
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 37
- 2
- 513
- Pages: 16-29
Discipline «Contemporary technologies of teaching foreign languages» in professional teachers’ training
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 37
- 3
- 575
- Pages: 8-15
On the issue of monitoring the quality of training marine specialists
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 38
- 3
- 569
- Pages: 15-23
Pedagogical aspects of reflection development in first year resident physicians
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 38
- 4
- 641
- Pages: 8-14
Building foreign-language communicative skills in future navigators by means of modeling educational environment
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 39
- 7
- 595
- Pages: 35-44
Methodological strategy of using professionally oriented texts in teaching Russian as a foreign language
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 39
- 5
- 627
- Pages: 24-34
Comparative analysis of the experimental part of the master's graduate qualification works of pedagogical students
- Year: 2021
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 39
- 4
- 655
- Pages: 14-23